Tuesday, August 5, 2008

1st Day of School

This picture was taken in front of Phyllis and Peanut's house on my 1st day of school with my Mom in 1980. My Mom and I had a good laugh looking at this picture. We laughed about her hair, her purse, her shirt and our shoes. (Too bad she didn't keep them, b/c they are back in style) A picture not shown, is the car she took me to school in, a huge gold Oldsmobile, which also made us chuckle. Look how times have changed.
Sean's 1st day of school. One day we will laugh and reminisce about these pictures too. Sean will say, "Look at my mom's hair and clothes, and remember the house we lived in." It was really exciting this morning, hard to describe. Almost like when you are expecting to give birth, but very calm. We ate breakfast, Sean picked out his clothes and he was so worried about his hair standing up. He kept asking if his hair was still down. He tucked in his new shirt and wore his new belt with his new shoes(Puma), like Daddy's. He was so big and Mommy was so proud.
Brian didn't really talk much. I'm sure what he was feeling. I know he thought I had taken enough pictures.
It was pouring down rain this morning. We had to wait on the porch for the bus, not to get soaked. Sean just kept asking, "is it 8:20 yet?" and "Why do they make porches?"

Lane said, while Sean was getting ready, "I don't want him to go!" He will be lost for awhile without his brother, b/c Mommy doesn't play the same, I'm sure. Lane had to dress like his brother this morning and wear his backpack while we waited. He really loves his brother. They are so funny together!
Finally the bus arrived. What a trooper, he got right on and was gone. No tears, but I felt really sad when the bus pulled away. 5 years has gone by so fast.