Wednesday, November 14, 2007


This is what Sean and Lane wore in the morning of Halloween.
This is what they wore in the evening of Halloween to go trick or treating. Sean for some reason, that he only knows, wanted to wear his old tiger outfit that is about 2 sizes too small, but whatever, his choice. Lane doesn't wear the mask but for a split second.
Here is the cutest dog ever, dressed as Snow White. I should have dressed Brian as one of the drawfs, maybe Dopey or Lazy. haha! But I could never could get a great picture of her looking at the camera, she was to interested in looking or barking at everyone else. My mom thought that I was absolutely crazy for dressy her up, but I recieved more compliments on her than the boys.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awww awesome costums u got there... the dog is sooo cutie.