Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Fall Foliage Festival

Here is Grandma Jean sitting in the cab of Kenny's truck b/c her poor back was hurting her, but she just keeps going on trying to enjoy the parade.
Betty and Wayne are always regulars at the parade for the past 30 years that I know of.
Oh no, a wreak. Everyone stand up and try to see what's happening. The parade was very exciting this year, two motorcycles accidents. That is just unheard of.
Where did this chicken limo come from. You can rent this limo, I wonder if the price is as much as a black limo, surely it couldn't be more. A parade is no longer for floats, but more for advertising and trying to get elected for Mayor.
Debbie in the parade for the hospital.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ooo that looks soo much fun!
i bet u had a blast
wish i was there, im missin out miss you!!!