Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Honey Bee Farm

Did you know there is a Honey Bee Farm in Martinsville? Me either, until Sean's preschool had a field trip there this year. This is our third year at the same school and I was so ready for a change in field trips, this was the best field trip we have ever been on, I was very thankful to the Mom that suggested this place. But then later that week back at the school, I was over hearing some of the Mom's thought their son/daughter was bored. Well, let me tell you something, you have to sit down with your child and interact or else, No they will get bored and not get anything out of the experience. I was glad to know the teacher agreed with me. Ha!

So what we learned. Sean and his friend Christopher talked about the bees for weeks. Male bees, drons, are not much different then human males, lazy bums that sit around waiting for the queen to come and mate with him. Worthless, except to make more females. Everything the bees make and what they take out of the hive, nothing gets wasted, which is really neat to know that nothing is thrown away, either honey is made or bees wax for candles. If you are in Martinsville, I suggest going out and visting this farm. They make really good Black raspberry honey.

1 comment:

Special K said...

Oh, that's really cool. Lately I'm very into buying local (but it's not easy!!!!)